With the active participation of the International Floral Association, Fresh Produce, various US supermarket chains, producers, importers, wholesalers, and international and national retailers, the Chrysanthemum Week ended successfully.
During this week, from August 29 till September 2, breeders showcased new and existing chrysanthemum varieties at different locations in Antioquia. The 10 breeders participating in the event were Ball SB, Selecta one, Danziger, Dümmen Orange, Dekker Chrysanthemums, Deliflor, Royal Van Zanten, Floritec, Icon Selections, and Progeny Breeding.
Icon Selections. Source: facebook.com.
For Augusto Solano, president of the Colombian Association of Flower Exporters, Asocolflores, "During this week, more than 600 visitors from the United States, Holland, and Colombia, among other countries, had the opportunity to see firsthand through the "Open House" (visits to the breeding farms) 250 new species of Chrysanthemums and their production processes.
Royal van Zanten. Source: www.facebook.com.
This demonstrated that the joint effort of the breeders, supported by Asocolflores and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, is a fundamental tool for generating commercial dynamics to boost exports and find solutions to new market challenges.
During the event, different national and international speakers analyzed and discussed with attendees the main challenges facing the sector in terms of innovation, production, commercialization, and marketing.
Thanks to the spaces and meetings between the different actors of the sector generated during this week, flower growers expressed optimism about the exports of this species.
Find more pictures of Deliflor and Danziger here in our article of last Friday.
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