Floriculturists in Kenya will now have access to a new fungicide that will protect their crops against powdery mildew, a fungal disease that impairs the maturity of flower buds in rose bushes. Dagonis, a product of BASF, will provide flower farmers with an effective product that is easy and safe to use and will maximize their yields.
“BASF continuously invests in innovation and research and uses its expert knowledge and a very good understanding of the farmers to manufacture Dagonis which provides a wide spectrum of disease control,” said Shollay Ramlaul, Country Cluster Head - BASF East Africa.
BASF has recently launched several new sustainable and highly effective fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides targeted at helping farmers of key crops in Kenya combat pests and boost yields in a more sustainable manner. Dagonis is an example of these innovative solutions as it will aid farmers with an excellent multi-purpose tool for powdery mildew control.
“BASF continues to foster the growth of the agricultural sector through its commitment to respond more effectively to the farmer's needs in the region for sustainable crop protection solutions,” adds Shollay.
Dagonis has two active ingredients Xemium and Difenoconazole a powerful combination that provides exceptional efficacy and allows savings on other treatments, giving the farmer peace of mind. Dagonis is best suited for flower growers as it provides a good resistance management tool with long-lasting protection, from first foliage appearance to harvesting.
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