After announcing a stop to vegetables from other states in government schemes, Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Monday urged people to grow marigold flowers, which are presently imported from Karnataka. Since Diwali is around the corner, he said that there will be a need for marigold flowers. Large quantities of marigold flowers come from Karnataka on the occasion of Dussehra and Diwali.
Even daily, there is demand for marigold as it is required for religious programs in the state. To become self-reliant, they need to give importance to local produce. Goa is dependent on vegetables procured from Karnataka's Belgavi. "We now 'like' the taste of outside procurement more than our traditionally grown here. This is a fact," Sawant had said.
Around 1,300 vendors in the state sell vegetables supplied by the Goa State Horticultural Corporation, which purchases these from other states. "If they increase local vegetable production, then the Horticulture Corporation will give a good rate. In a few days, it will stop importing vegetables from other states and will purchase only locally-produced vegetables.
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