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16-27 January

Again 15 top managers to the Netherlands

After a successful edition in June of this year, the 2023 edition of the Mastercourse Floriculture is coming up in January and coincides with IPM Essen. The selection of participants is finalized, and from 16-27 January 2023, another group of (future) CEO’s representing international, ‘future proof’ floricultural companies will visit the Netherlands and Germany for two weeks.

The Mastercourse Floriculture is powered by Jungle Talks in close cooperation with leading providers of knowledge and technology from the Netherlands. ‘The success of our recent Mastercourse proved that after Covid-19, but also because of the state of the world today, there’s a demand to meet with peers from around the world and exchange thoughts on the current challenges’ says organizer Ed Smit.

Visiting Hortilux

This edition’s participants come from Canada, the USA, Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil, Kenya, Taiwan, Italy, the UK, and Ukraine. This diverse group is once again a good reflection of the worldwide floricultural sector, both in terms of geography and product differentiation. ‘Our participants are active in the production of cut flowers, green and flowering plants, Phalaenopsis, bedding plants, as well as outdoor plants and trees.’

During two intensive weeks in the Netherlands and Germany, the selected participants are immersed in a wealth of horticultural knowledge and experience. Koppert Biological Systems, Ridder, Hortilux Schrèder, Logiqs, Viscon, Dümmen Orange, Horti XS, Letsgrow, Klasmann-Deilmann and Van Krimpen are partners of the Pro Manager Mastercourse. The participants will be received by members of the board of directors at each of the aforementioned companies.  

Visiting Koppert

Cooperating companies’ directors are receiving the participants and will discuss merely strategy and vision. These strategic insights provide the participants with a final encouragement in their development towards the steps to be taken in their own company to take over the lead. After two weeks of meetings with Dutch floricultural leaders, complemented by inspirational sessions and interactive meetings and workshops, the participants will be asked to pitch their personal vision on the future of the international floricultural sector and the role of their company in it.

Last but not least, Jungle Talks continues its cooperation with AIPH on organizing the ‘Young International Grower of the Year Award.’ One of the selected participants in this Pro Manager Mastercourse will receive this award during the AIPH gala evening taking place during the IPM Essen.  

Visiting Logiqs

“We are very proud these leading companies and organizations work together to support and inspire this international group,’ says co-organizer Renee Snijders. “Jungle Talks will maintain and foster the contacts between participants, partners, and supporters also after the Pro Manager Mastercourse, in order to make sure that all parties will make the most of this valuable cooperation.”

For more information:
Renee Snijders
Jungle Talks 

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