Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers, Narendra Singh Tomar, will address an event, “Expansion of Horticulture Value Chain in India – Potential and Opportunities,” organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, on November 1, 2022, at VAMNICOM, Pune, Maharashtra.
The agriculture minister will inaugurate the exhibition and felicitate farmers, farmer producer organizations (FPOs), Agri startups, entrepreneurs, bankers, and other stakeholders for their contribution to the field of horticulture. Also, he will launch a book, “Organic Packaging of Practice for Horticultural Crops,” a compilation of success stories of the Horticulture Sector, and a book on the Mission Organic Value Chain.
The event will bring relevant stakeholders such as farmers, FPOs, Centre of Excellence (CoE) in various crops, ICAR’s crop-specific National Research Centres, and Precision Farming Development Centres on the same platform.
Read the complete article: www.agriculturepost.com