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November 28

Presentation of market study on opportunities in Mexican ornamental plants and flowers sector

On Monday, November 28th, between 15:00 and 16:30 NL time, the Embassy of The Netherlands in Mexico is organizing an online session to present the results of a market study. This study was conducted to identify opportunities for Dutch suppliers of starting material and (greenhouse) technology in the Mexican ornamental plants and flowers sector. A special presentation on the status of breeders' rights protection in Mexico with recommendations for Dutch breeders will be held by Leobigildo Córdova, Director of Mexico's National Seed Inspection and Certification Service (SNICS).

Mexico's ornamental sector
Mexico is the world's third largest ornamental grower, with an estimated cultivated area of 23.088 hectares and 10.818 full-time growers with a certain level of technification, interest, and capacity to grow their business. The Netherlands is already Mexico's main supplier of flower bulbs and young ornamental plants, with a total export value of over € 30 million in 2021. Mexico's adequate altitude, fitting geographical location, available natural resources, and labor force make it an attractive partner for Dutch companies to explore market opportunities in its ornamental sector. This is why the Netherlands Embassy in Mexico commissioned Mexican consultancy firm JMT Consultores to conduct a market study to identify key areas of collaboration between Mexican ornamental producers and Dutch breeders and technology providers.

New species and varieties
The study, in which some 600 Mexican growers participated, concludes that 42%  of Mexico's ornamental growers could be viable business partners for Dutch companies interested in buying Dutch starting material and technology. 30% of Mexican producers are looking to include new ornamental species and varieties in their production.

Consumer trends
The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated existing trends in consumer behavior and distribution channels in Mexico: this has led to a rapid rise of online sales channels as well as an increased demand for flowers to create more green spaces at home or work. At the same time, the Mexican consumer is still considered a traditional buyer who continues to have a strong preference for roses and chrysanthemums in cut flowers and poinsettia, marigolds, succulents, and geraniums in pot plants.

Breeders rights 
The study also covers the status and developments in the protection of breeders' rights in Mexico, an important issue for Dutch breeders and suppliers of propagation material.

Online presentation
The full market study will be presented by the research team in an online event on  Monday, November 28th, from 15:00 – 16:30 (NL Time) or 08:000 – 09:30 Mexico-City time. Two guest speakers will react to the study and share their perspectives on the Mexican ornamental sector: Dr. Leobigildo Córdoba, Director of the National Seed Inspection and Certification Service (SNICS), and Mr. Federico Martínez, President of the Mexican Flower Council. Dr. Leobigildo Córdoba will specifically elaborate on the work SNICS is carrying out to better protect breeders' rights in Mexico and on recommendations to Dutch breeders in this regard.

Please register by Friday, November 25th, through the following link: Registered participants will receive a link to the study before the event.


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