Looking for a new crop to grow in your greenhouse? What about pot roses? At the IPM Essen, which will take place in January 2023, Roses Forever will showcase their pot roses assortment and, in particular, their Infinity and Love Forever series, including new varieties that will be on display for the first time.
The four classic infinity roses.
What's the X-factor?
According to Roses Forever's breeder Rosa Eskelund, the Infinity roses are X-factor pot roses. So, what's the X-factor of the varieties in this series? Rosa explains: "The Infinity roses are luxury pot roses with large, very durable flowers that last up to 3 weeks. However, what makes the Infinity roses really popular is that they are easy to grow and that the culture time is only 9-10 weeks. Over the years, they have become increasingly popular, and it is now a world-renowned series."
Clockwise: King of Infinity 21 cm Ø bowl, Princess of Infinity 21 cm Ø bowl, New Yellow Infinity 14 cm Ø pot, and White Infinity 10,5 cm Ø pot.
Expanded range
The range of Infinity roses has just been expanded with the Yellow Infinity, in addition to the already known varieties White Infinity, Princess of Infinity, King of Infinity, and Pink Infinity, Queen of Infinity.
Love Forever series grown in 10 - 14 cm Ø pots and with
Love Forever series
In the Love Forever series, a series that consists of a lot of colors, a new red variety has been added, Rosa continues. This series also includes roses that can be cultivated in lower temperature greenhouses and usually grow in 10 - 14 cm Ø pots and with artificial / LED light. "As I said, several of the varieties can be grown at a lower temperature and thus less additional light, a huge advantage for growers nowadays."
Know-how and growers' manual
Roses Forever has many years of experience in growing pot roses and offers know-how for start-up and maintenance of pot-rose production as well as start-up cuttings. "It is for everywhere from Scandinavia to South Africa and from the USA to China."
They also provide an online 'Grower's Manual', which can be used on a daily basis. "It contains knowledge about pot-rose cultivation with more than 30 years of experience."
The test line summer 2022 on its way for testing every year
The goals of breeding
When breeding new pot roses varieties, Rosa focuses on the following points.
- Easy to cultivate in few weeks
- Natural compact growth
- Durable big flowers 5-6 cm Ø
- Easy to sell colors and flower shapes
All new pot-roses undergo a year around greenhouse test for selection, and only the varieties with the possibility of short culture will continue and be trialed extensively."
IPM Essen
Eager to see these and more roses of Roses Forever, visit their booth at the IPM Essen in Essen, Germany, Hall1.C36 from January 24-27.
For more information
Roses Forever
Rosa Eskelund
T: +45 51 57 19 90