Devastating images from Ohio show a high-tech tomato greenhouse collapsed due to an EF1 tornado, which occurred near Wapakoneta in Auglaize County, Ohio, during the early morning hours of April 1, 2023
"The first sign of visible damage associated with this tornado occurred on Owl Creek Road. The tornado strengthened as it moved to the northeast, removing a significant portion of a warehouse building roof and snapping several power poles. Just northeast of here, a large commercial greenhouse was completely leveled", the National Weather Service reports. Later on, several farmhouses were damaged, and outbuildings were damaged or destroyed between Wapakoneta and Uniopolis, particularly along Middle Pike.
While local news source WHIO reports that two boilers exploded causing injuries to a person, a spokesperson from the affected company claims that is not true. According to Wapakoneta Mayor Steve Henderson told News Center 7, the total damage is 7,5 acres. The Environmental Protection Agency responded to the greenhouse and is handling the hazardous material of nitric acid, fertilizer, and bleach.
Photo Nicholas Smith
As of Monday afternoon, several businesses and community members were still without power.
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The greenhouse is said to be The Ohio Greenhouse Company, operating year-round and growing branded products for retailers in states that include Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and West Virginia.