Graff Young Plants in Denmark and Dalat Hasfarm in Vietnam have been in business together for many years. Recently, the two partners took their successful collaboration to the next level; as of June 2023, Hasfarm will be the major shareholder of Graff Young Plants. The Danish company will operate under the name Hasfarm Europe.
It is a step that represents an advancement for both companies: "Graff Young Plants will gain an extensive production location in Vietnam that will guarantee stability and improved service to their customers, while Dalat Hasfarm strengthens its position and presence in Europe.
This results in a financially strong and stable position for both Graff Young Plants and Dalat Hasfarm. The joint venture will be an even more solid partner to their customers in the European horticultural sector."
About Graff Young Plants
Graff Young Plants is a distributor of starting materials based in Sabro, Denmark. Founded four years ago by Graff Growing A/S and Jesper Slot, the company now welcomes its third stakeholder, Dalat Hasfarm.
About Hasfarm Holdings
Dalat Hasfarm started in 1994 in Vietnam, since then, the company has grown to be one of the largest flower companies in Asia, with production locations in Vietnam, China, and Indonesia. One of the leading flower importers, Greenwings Japan, has been part of the Hasfarm Group since 2010.
The new board will include members from Graff Young Plants and Dalat Hasfarm.
Jesper Slot will be responsible for maintaining the sales to customers of Graff Young Plants and developing the market with new customers.
Gert Graff will be responsible for the administration of Hasfarm Europe.
For more information:
Hasfarm Europe
Jesper Slot
Gert Graff
Aad Gordijn