Ornamental plant breeder MNP / Suntory launched a new animated video explaining how they develop their varieties and brands for the European floricultural market every year since 1989.
You probably know the brands Surfinia®, Senetti®, Princettia®, Beedance®, Surdiva®, or the well-known Mandevilla's under the name Sundaville®. But did you know that these brands are all direct relatives? How do they do that? The video below explains this.
Effectively explaining how things are done at this breeder is quite complex due to the long floriculture chain. That's why 'the plant pioneers' of MNP / Suntory decided to make a short animated video with the plants as the main characters! Through a simplified and funny story, a small Sundaville cutting makes the unique journey from Japan to the Netherlands, through expert hands, under the watchful eye of true pioneers, through laboratories, creative marketing and communication ideas, and finally into the spotlight of international exhibitions. How much time passes between the moment of selection and the birth of a new brand? You will find all the answers in this fun and accessible animation above.
For more information:
MNP / Suntory
Email: [email protected]