This year, Asocolflores prepared several activities to celebrate Mother's Day and to encourage the purchase of Colombian flowers. "On the one hand, we worked on the communications strategy basing our activities on the flowers of Eastern Antioquia as great ambassadors of this season. On the other hand, we worked on digital strategies focused nationally through the networks of Asocolflores and Cultivamos con Orgullo, the emotional connection of our flowers and internationally in the networks of Flowers of Colombia, on the Flowers of Colombia as the perfect gift for all mothers."
The communications strategy had three main moments. On Tuesday, April 25, they organized a breakfast with journalists to get ahead of the season and spoke about the expectations and exports of Colombian flowers for this season. This breakfast was organized in Medellin where more than 20 local, regional, and national journalists were invited. The second moment came with a visit to a grower/bouquetter in the Antioquia region to show the journalists the process and the social and environmental responsibility issues that are handled at the flower company. During the visit, Flores Isabelita highlighted its good practices of inclusion and social responsibility, which demonstrate the commitment of the Colombian flower sector.
Finally, a press conference will take place on May 10 at the cargo terminal of the Jose Maria Cordova Airport in Rionegro, where in alliance with Avianca Cargo and Airplane, we will seek to show the importance of the logistics chain and actors and Asocolflores' Petal Plan.
On the digital side, Asocolflores created the campaign "Embrace Mom with Colombian Flowers." "This campaign focuses on the emotional connection that exists between a mother and her children and how by giving flowers from Colombia, we embrace with the soul and express all our feelings for her day. As well as mothers, we highlight the work of workers in the flower industry who, day after day, give their love, commitment, and dedication to our national pride product. This campaign lives in the networks of Cultivamos con Orgullo and Asocolflores, creating strategic synergies to generate better results for both brands."
Flowers of Colombia's goal was to make a tribute to every mom focusing on their personality and the perfect flowers to give her. "Each flower and color has its own definitions and meanings, so we chose five moods that we connect with the perfect flowers that represent them or that we want mom to feel on this special date: cheerful, romantic, melancholic, sensitive, spiritual. All with the purpose of promoting and encouraging the purchase of flowers from Colombia as the perfect gift this day."
For more information:Asocolflores