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Introducing the Fourth Annual Women in Horticulture Week:

"Celebrating achievements and empowering women in the green industry"

For the first time in history, female gardeners have outnumbered their male counterparts in competing for medals at the prestigious Chelsea Flower Show. An impressive 58% of designers participating in this year's event are women, placing men in the minority.

This shift is also seen in the college-educated labor force – as women now comprise a majority. In the second quarter of 2022, the labor force participation rate for college-educated women was 69.6%.

These remarkable statistics set the stage for the 4th Annual Women in Horticulture Week, a momentous occasion that recognizes women's accomplishments in the green industry and fosters an environment of empowerment, support, and professional growth.

Scheduled to take place from May 28 to June 3, Women in Horticulture Week offers a diverse range of activities, events, and educational sessions designed to acknowledge the invaluable contributions made by women in horticulture. During this inspiring week-long celebration, professionals, industry leaders, and enthusiasts will engage in meaningful discussions, share knowledge, and build strong networks.

Katie Dubow, the president of Garden Media Group, a women-owned public relations firm in the green industry, exclaims, "Women have played a vital role in shaping and advancing the horticulture sector. Their passion, expertise, and commitment have transformed the industry, leading to innovation, sustainability, and increased opportunities for all." Women in Horticulture Week serves as a platform to honor these achievements and create a more inclusive and equitable landscape for women in horticulture.

Deborah Holtschlag, the founder of PlantTraps, a women-owned garden business made in the USA, proudly asserts, "As women in horticulture, we cultivate strength, nurture growth, and bloom with resilience. At PlantTraps, we embrace our role as a women-owned business, sowing seeds of inspiration and nurturing a future where equality blossoms in every corner of the horticultural world."

Ways to Celebrate the Fourth Annual Women in Horticulture Week:

  • Share exciting facts about women in business, including your own story, to inspire other women.
  • Volunteer or become a mentor. If you're a successful female horticulture entrepreneur, consider volunteering with organizations supporting women or becoming a mentor. If you've never had a mentor, seek one out and learn from their experiences. Ask both peers within and outside the industry for suggestions.
  • Renowned leaders and influencers will share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs during the Women in Horticulture series hosted by AmericanHort. The next event is scheduled for June 7 at 2 pm ET and will feature KarinĂ© Stuimer, senior vice president at BrightView Landscape Services.
  • Networking sessions will provide opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and build valuable relationships that contribute to personal and professional growth. The Women in Hort group is hosting their next networking session on June 5 at the PHS Pop Up Garden at 5 pm ET. Join their group for future opportunities.
    Improve your skills. Whether it's reading a motivational book written by a female entrepreneur or using a new organizational app, continuous learning leads to personal growth.
  • Show your support for Women in Horticulture by changing your profile picture.
  • Share stories, photos, and inspiration from women in horticulture on your social media channels using the hashtag #womeninhort.

"Join us in honoring and empowering women in horticulture during the Fourth Annual Women in Horticulture Week."

For more information:
Garden Media
Tel.: 610-444-3040
[email protected]
Instagram: @GardenMedia 

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