For the 40th time, the International Plant Fair IPM will be launching at Messe Essen from January 23 to 26, 2024 - and with a new look. With the slogan "Our heart beats green" and a visual showing a heart overgrown with plants, the great bond between the industry and IPM ESSEN, as well as the importance of the trade fair as a pacemaker for innovations are expressed. Numerous activities are planned around the trade fair's anniversary.
In 1983, the first IPM ESSEN opened with around 100 mainly German and Dutch plant exhibitors in just one hall of the Essen fairgrounds. The new trade fair for the green sector quickly recorded continuous growth. Today, the young shoot has become a strong, branched, deeply rooted plant with international appeal and even offshoots in other parts of the world. "IPM ESSEN has written history and continues to write it. Every year, it sends valuable signals to the industry and sets the course for the new horticultural year. We are looking forward to many more success stories and an anniversary edition that will be long remembered by all participants. We would like to say thank you for 40 international plant fairs in Essen" Oliver P. Kuhrt, CEO of Messe Essen, is looking forward to the next event.
Outlook IPM ESSEN 2024
In 2024, more than 1,500 exhibitors from around 50 nations are expected throughout the fairgrounds to present their products and services to an international trade audience: from plants and technology to floristry and décor. Numerous activities are planned for the 40th edition, such as a podcast, a photo campaign, a selfie point in the new campaign look, and a big birthday party with tributes to the exhibitors of the first hour. Congratulations can be shared on social media under the hashtag #congratsIPMESSEN.
At its last meeting, the Advisory Board gave the go-ahead for IPM ESSEN 2024 and defined the content framework. After the positive response this year, the top theme, "Climate Trees and Perennials," is to be further expanded. A meeting point and guided tours are again planned. In the Innovation Centre Horticultural Technology, the focus will be on water management. "One of the major tasks of the future for horticulture is to use assortments that can withstand the changing climate. At the same time, it is about the careful use of resources. IPM ESSEN offers numerous opportunities to get fit in this necessary complex of topics", says Eva Kähler-Theuerkauf, Chairwoman of the IPM Advisory Board and President of the Landesverband Gartenbau NRW e.V. (North Rhine-Westphalia Horticultural Association. Germany).
New advisory board members
The IPM Advisory Board is a committee with members from trade associations, industry, and politics. New members are Klaus Gaumann, Director of Marketing & Product Management at Selecta Klemm GmbH & Co. KG, as well as Hajo Hinrichs, who, as the new President of the Bund Deutscher Baumschulen e.V., takes over from Helmut Selders.
For more information:IPM Essen