Flowers have long been used as a way of showing love, sympathy, or showing that you're simply thinking of someone. It makes us feel special. According to the Society of American Florists, 65% of Americans feel special when receiving flowers. There's a flower farm nestled in rural Jo Daviess County, Illinois, that is helping people celebrate any occasion.
Since 2016, Clara Joyce Flowers has provided specialty-cut flowers to people in the area and florists across the United States. This Pride month, News 8 is highlighting LGBTQ+-owned businesses that are having an impact on our communities.
Drew Groezinger, a gay man and business owner of Clara Joyce Flowers, knows a thing or two about getting his hands dirty on the farm.
"My family has been living in Jo Daviess County since the 1860s," said Groezinger. "I'm a seventh-generation producer in our county."
The 24-acre property started as a vegetable farm.