According to recent research of No Patents on Seeds!, more than one thousand conventionally-bred varieties are already affected by European patents. Despite European patent law specifically prohibiting patents on plant varieties, this development has crept in unnoticed by the public. As a consequence, the current European plant breeding system is facing a deep crisis, leaving traditional breeders facing a serious threat, the possible end of their current freedom to operate. These are some of the findings in an expanded version of a recently compiled report published by No Patents on Seeds! today.
"Our research shows that more and more new varieties brought onto the market are being covered by patents. Many of the conventionally-bred varieties are even covered by claims in several different patents. We need political decisions to make sure that biodiversity needed by all plant breeders is not grabbed by big companies", Johanna Eckhardt says for No Patents on Seeds!.
"The European Patent Office should use its 50th anniversary in October this year to end this dark side of its history. As a birthday gift to its own institution and to the public, it should send a clear signal that patents on seeds will be stopped. The EPO should act in the public interest and respect the European patent laws," Dagmar Urban says for Arche Noah.