A North Bend florist has made the shortlist for a national honor from the Society of American Florists. Robbyn Repp, founder of Petal to the Metal Flowers in North Bend, is one of this year's inductees to the Professional Floral Communicators-International.
Repp, a motorcycle enthusiast, opened Petal to the Metal Flowers in 2014 after losing her job and getting a nudge of support from her father, but she already had her heart set on this achievement.
"I can remember 15 years ago, seeing these little postcards and these fliers of these people nationally, and I just said, 'Gosh, one day I'd really like to be one of them," said Repp.
From design to care, inductees must exhibit skill in presenting educational programs to floral professionals proven through an application and a live demonstration of their instructional skills.
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