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How can a perennial garden be so beautiful?

The State of Oregon, located on the Northwest coast of the United States, is home to many types of horticultural nurseries and farms because of its excellent climate and soil conditions. According to statistics, Oregon state has more than 1,000 specialized nurseries and farms, and it is one of the regions with the highest concentration of nurseries in the world. Therefore, Oregon is also known as the nursery state, and plays an important role in the American agricultural and horticultural industry. Outside of Portland and continuing to the south, among the different types of tree nurseries, hazelnut and blueberry farms on the roadside, a colorful mass of flowers attract the attention of people passing by, and this is the global perennial flower breeding company Terra Nova Nurseries.

Chuck Pavlich at Cultivate’23 with Heuchera Peach Smoothy.

The front sign of Terra Nova together with the display garden, has become the icon of Terra Nova Nurseries for many years. Terra Nova’s display garden is distributed on roadside and around the company's sales office. It has a history of 25 years and has already formed a complete flower landscape throughout that time. The landscaping has matured over 25 years of this perennial breeding company, all the plants displayed in this garden are the varieties bred by the Terra Nova itself. There are more than 200 varieties in this garden. Terra Nova’s garden offers year round beauty. In addition, because most of the plants Terra Nova has bred are perennials, many plants in this garden have happily lived in their home for more than 5 years, and some even lived in the garden for more than 15 years, and they are still vigorous. These plants become the witness of time, and the advantages of perennial have been proved.

The Terra Nova display Garden was designed to be natural and elegant, with multiple plant levels, rich colors, and varying shapes. It is a mature and comprehensive flower border.

Based on the natural shading given by the surrounding trees and buildings, Terra Nova divided the display gardens into two parts: sun and shade. Both sun-loving and shade-loving plants can grow in their suitable environment, and bring out the best of the plants. We may be already so used to a wide variety of sun-loving plants, but if you approach this garden, you will find many elegant shade plants that are also eye-catching. Shade plant breeding is one of Terra Nova Nurseries specialties. Begonias, Brunneras, Athyriums, Pulmonarias and more are the company's representative crops in the display garden.

Terra Nova’s work place is surrounded by flowers. One of the spiritual benefits of being an ornamental horticultural practitioner is that you can often be with flowers and escape from the steel and concrete in the city. Terra Nova's display garden, because it surrounds the offices, creates a window view which is full of flowers for people working inside, and that view is made of Terra Nova’s own variety.

Classic and elegant are the most intuitive impressions of Terra Nova display garden. Much care has made these plants grow continuously, and through the march of time, plants in turn give a splendid garden back to people. Terra Nova is a leader of perennial flower breeding in the world, and has a steady stream of varieties displayed in their show garden. Customers can clearly see the real performance and features of the mature plants here, so they can choose the varieties that suit their use. Therefore, this display garden is also an important feature for customers to visit, understand products, and share ideas. In addition, just by walking inside the garden itself, I believe it brings inspiration to our work

For more information:
Terra Nova Nurseries
[email protected]
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