D.S. Cole Growers has released their 2024 young plant catalog. Featured items include an Aeschynanthus Collection, 3 new Epiphyllum, Calibrachoa Calitastics, Canna CannaSuns, Maggiore Dahlias, Regal Geraniums, and Helleborus – just to name a few! They also carry the true Geranium Citronella from their own mother stock.
Due to the lack of Dracaena indivisa seed, Cole now has inventory of Cordyline in large cells with good size.
D.S. Cole continues to offer first year flowering perennials including Agastache, Caryopteris, Echinacea, Heliopsis, and Veronica. These will now be grown in a larger cell.
Lastly, they have refined their house plant and succulent lines to offer unique varieties that will perform well in northern states. New house plants include Alocasia Zebrina and Sedum Burro’s Tail.
Rudbeckia Sunbeckia Ophelia from Bull Genetics is featured on the front page of the catalog. The catalog can be viewed online at https://www.dscolegrowers.com/young-plants
For more information
D.S. Cole Growers
251 North Village Road
Loudon, NH 03307
Tel.: (603) 783-9561
Fax: (603) 783-9562
[email protected]