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Denmark: Phalaenopsis market enters a new era

The energy crisis hit many European growers, particularly the ones growing the energy-intensive phalaenopsis crop. Several growers were forced to stop cultivation or filed for bankruptcy, leading to less product on the market. Now, the first effects are being noticed by the growers that are left in this segment. According to Christian Schwartz of Gartneriet Rønbæk, a grower in Denmark who mainly supplies the Danish market, demand and prices have increased. "The situation seems to be more balanced, but we need to see what will happen during the high seasons like Christmas and Mother's Day."

Christian Schwartz

Phalaenopsis production in Denmark
There used to be four phalaenopsis growers in Denmark, but due to the energy crisis, one stopped production, and another one filed for bankruptcy. Gartneriet Rønbæk has had challenging years too, but managed to stay in business. "The last 1.5 to 2 years have been very tough. As the energy prices were so high. It was a challenge to make a living out of growing phalaenopsis."

New situation
According to Schwartz, the market has changed, and a new situation is arising and is taking shape. "There are a lot less phalaenopsis on the market. At the beginning of the summer, the last plants from the growers who stopped or filed for bankruptcy were on the market. For us, still a challenging period as some were put on the market for extremely low prices. Now, only the plants from the growers that are still in business are on the market, which means a lot fewer plants than in other years. We now already see an increase in prices, but how it will develop further, we don't know."

Uncertain and challenging months
The coming months and year will not only be uncertain but also challenging. "We have a big black hole to fill from last year. Hopefully, the prices, as well as the demand, will continue to increase. We will probably know more after the Christmas and Mother's Day holidays, which are usually important periods for the phalaenopsis industry."

For more information:
Christian H. Schwartz
Gartneriet Rønbæk
Email: [email protected]