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Rosa Eskelund, Roses Forever:

"The almost impossible succeeded, Infinity landed in New Zealand"

"It is so amazing how quickly it all went, considering how difficult it is to send plant material from the EU to New Zealand," says Rosa Eskelund of Roses Forever. At the IPM Essen in 2023, they met New Zealand grower Ambrosia Nurseries, and last month, after an intensive period with a lot of documents, the first small baby Infinity roses arrived in New Zealand.

Rosa Eskelund with the new Yellow Infinity

The phytosanitary regulations in New Zealand are very strict. A lot of documents regarding the health of the plants are required, and the plants need to be 100% free from peat moss.

On the left, the roses in the quarantine greenhouse in New Zealand, and on the right, the plane landing with the young plants in Christchurch, New Zealand, with an impression picture of Infinity.

"The day that the plants arrived, Ambrosia in New Zealand and Roses Forever in Denmark, we both opened a bottle of champagne. When the plane landed, we were very nervous about whether everything was in order, and fortunately, everything was fine."

Now, the plants are grown in a quarantine greenhouse on site. "Here, they must stay for half a year before they are released and can go out to the nursery. This nursery will then start the production of Infinity potted roses. Ambrosia are so excited they've even started designing their packaging."

Some from the selection of Infinity roses.

But why did Ambrosia decide to bring over the Infinity roses to New Zealand? Rosa: "They were impressed by the very durable large-filled flowers of the Infinity roses. On top of that, they are easy to grow in, only 10 weeks." The series now consists of seven colors: Pink, White, Red, Salmon, Yellow, Pink, and Cerise.

Harley Eskelund, Roses Forever, with a box of Princess of Infinity.

"We at Roses Forever are looking forward to the collaboration for many years to come and thank both Pligt Professionals and BM Roses in the Netherlands for opening the doors to their greenhouses for our new New Zealand grower and to show them this crop and how it is being cultivated."

IFTF and IPM Essen
Eager to see the Infinity roses and meet the Roses Forever team? They will be exhibiting at the IFTF in Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands 2023, and at the IPM Essen 2024 in Essen, Germany.

For more information
Roses Forever
Rosa Eskelund
Tel.: +45 51 57 19 90
[email protected]