It is a big season for Princettia with six new varieties hitting the market. Growers and brokers got a sneak peek last year when the varieties were unnamed experimental candidates. Last week, all six were officially presented during the 16th Annual Poinsettia Trials & Open House hosted by Millstadt Young Plants and N.G. Heimos Greenhouses in Illinois near St. Louis.
"We’re excited to introduce the first euphorbia hybrid novelties in the compact Princettia class – Sparkling Rouge and Sparkling Rosé. Both have a festive glitter pattern. Princettia Pure Red is an improvement to the current Red, with a more vibrant color and red cyathia. We’ve also built out the Princettia Queen series with three more gorgeous, vibrant pinks. These varieties have medium vigor and size up nicely in 8-inch pots."
Princettia compact varieties
Mix and match eight colors in this uniform series to make fabulous combos.
Pure Red paired with Pure White
Princettia Queen varieties
"Simply irresistible – the most vibrant pink poinsettias on the market."
Color Comparisons
Show & tell
"The open house was a perfect opportunity to present our new varieties to key decision makers – broker sales forces, growers and retailers."
Ball Seed group
Express Seed group
McHutchison Horticulture group
Supermarket buyers
On location: Lorentina McKoy presented the features and benefits of the new Princettia varieties at the N.G. Heimos/Millstadt Young Plants poinsettia trials, see below.
Le Tour de Fleur video
For more information:
Suntory Flowers