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Fraunhofer FEP uses Microdisplays to monitor ornamental plants

Conservation of resources and reliable yields are just as essential in plant cultivation as in other branches of agriculture. In order to optimize fertilization processes in ornamental plant cultivation in the future and thus protect the environment, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP together with the Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology (LfULG) have been researching a technology for the early detection of nutrient deficiencies or surpluses in ornamental plants in the ZierSens project (financed by funds from the Free State of Saxony).

The use of bidirectional OLED microdisplays in combination with neural networks should make it possible to optimize fertilization processes in the future. Initial results will be presented at the W3+ Fair in Jena from Nov. 29-30, 2023, at booth no. C12.

Ornamental plant cultivation is locally anchored in almost all German districts, mainly with small and medium-sized farms. In 2022, the production value of flowers and ornamental plants produced in Germany amounted to around €1.2 billion.

In order for the plant cultivation sector in Germany to remain competitive, it is dependent on secure and high yields. Decisive factors for this include successful plant breeding, plant protection and optimal fertilization in order to conserve resources and soils.


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