Last week, from November 23-26, HortiProIndia took place in Pune, India. It is an international exhibition and conference focusing on modern agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, agriprenurship, and its processing employing cutting-edge technology, as well as best practices that may benefit countless farmers and platform owners.
This year, the show was in its 4th edition with 200+ exhibitors from 12+ countries and 20+ Indian States. Visitor numbers are not published yet, but they expected to welcome more than 100.000 people.
It was organized by the Maharashtra Nurserymen Association in collaboration with the Association of Environmental Horticulture and VASU Event & Hospitality.
Pandharinath Mhaske of Sneh Florist was also present at the show and sent us some pictures.
"By exhibiting the latest trends and innovation, this flower exhibition has put the spotlight on the flower market," said Dhananjay Sajekar, President of Sudhagad Taluka Maratha Samaj and progressive farmer.
One of the displays of Rise and Shine had the theme," Plants and music touches us emotionally, where words alone can't."
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