2023 is coming to an end, so time to look back at our last month in our Special Year Overview; December. In this month, PanAmerican Seed moved into their new facility in Venhuizen, the Netherlands, Metrolina Greenhouses received GlobalG.A.P. certification, Komet Sales acquired Floral Computer Systems, Terra Nova Nurseries variety was recognized as top performer at 2023 Colorado State University Flower Trials, and much more happened. Below an overview.
Germany: "Cyclamen are popular, particularly as outdoor plants"
Kayla Red, Princettia Sparkling Rouge and Eary Polly’s Pink voted number 1:
US (IA): Sunny edition of Plantpeddler Poinsettia Variety Day 2023
Brandkamp presents innovations in cut chrysanthemums:
"There are already many good cut chrysanthemum varieties available, but this is still not good enough"
PanAmerican Seed moves into new facility in Venhuizen, the Netherlands
Metrolina Greenhouses receives GlobalG.A.P. certification
Jinning World Horticenter set to make waves in China’s floral industry
UV treatment solutions garner interest in South America
Noud Visscher and Kristel Emmerik, FreshCap Flowers:
"The most exclusive flowers come from the West Cape in South Africa"
Italian production and exports are doing well despite import increase
Clement Tulezi, KFC, on export, regulations, and image issues in the Kenyan Floral industry:
“We are proud of our achievements and the changes we made so far”
Agrivaldani's flourishing path in the floral industry
Lock starts its 180 year anniversary at the IPM
EQR expands market horizon with new red variety
adding chrysanthemums and more crops