Following the Green Deal, water is expected to receive more attention in the coming years through a European Blue Deal. Glastuinbouw Nederland will be working alongside Bloemenbureau Holland, Federatie Vruchtgroente Organisaties, GroentenFruit Huis, Greenports Nederland, Plantum, Royal FloraHolland, and the Versnellersgroep Producenten Sierteelt on the Greenhouse Horticulture Positioning Program for the next three years. This is according to the 2024 Annual Plan of Glastuinbouw Nederland. It outlines the main focus points of Glastuinbouw Nederland and provides insight into the ambitions of each team and the areas of focus for 2024.
In June, a vote is scheduled for the representatives of the European Parliament. The EU is becoming increasingly important for Dutch greenhouse horticulture as many laws and regulations that affect the entrepreneurship of the sector are determined here. This includes the Sustainable Crop Protection Regulation (SUR), the Nature Recovery Act, or the Water Framework Directive.
These are some of the goals in the field of plant health:
- Stimulating and directing innovation focused on high-tech, resilient plants, biological control agents, and effective corrections for disease and pest management.
- Maintaining effective crop protection products and biocides.
- Sharing and exchanging knowledge with a focus on responsible use of biology, technology, and chemistry.
The 2024 annual plan can be downloaded here.
Source: Glastuinbouw Nederland