The IPM Essen is on its third day. How is it going so far? After a slow morning on Tuesday, the show really took off. Aisles are filled, and talks are ongoing at the booths. So far, the exhibitors seem pleased and optimistic about the 2024. For many, the last two years have been challenging due to the high energy prices, the war, inflation, consumers prioritizing going out or on holiday above buying plants, and so on. Will 2024 be better? Many think so, but there is still some hesitation in the market. It seems that the industry is back to the pre-covid times and is expecting that sales will increase again.
The FloralDaily, BPnieuws, HortiDaily, and Groentennieuws teams are also running around with their camera to make their traditional photo report.
Leon Hünting, Hubert Brandkamp and Stefan Brandkamp. Hünting will follow Jürgen von den Driesch as Sales Manager and Stefan Brandkamp just stated in the family business. Third generation. Also celebrating their 40 years at IPM Essen.
Some of the team of Modiform. One of their new innovations are the Refined products. These lightweight products have a high impact on cost saving.
Her Royal Highness Princess Benedikte of Denmark was also visiting the IPM and the Floradania booth. In the picture with Peter Larsen-Ledet of Floradania.
She also baptized the Sweet Celebration, a pot rose with two colors in one pot. In the picture, HRH Princess Beneedikte of Denmark with Rosa Eskelund of Roses Forever.
Bert van Spijk of KP Holland, Joe Roberts of ForemostCo, Pim van der Knaap of KP Holland and Mary Corujo of ForemostCo. ForemostCo distributes KP Holland's Spathiphyllum and curcuma in North America and Mexico.