The breeding company MNP / Suntory has launched, a platform aimed at how people perceive the workplace environment at the company based in Leimuiderbrug. isn't just another recruitment platform; it's a journey into the heart and soul of MNP / Suntory in Leimuiderbrug (NL). More than just a breeding company, MNP / Suntory has cultivated a workplace culture fuelled by passion, creativity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence unconventionally and differently than other companies within floriculture at the moment.
Did you ever imagine that only 15 people were behind the success of world-famous brands such as Surfinia®, Sundaville®, Beedance®, Princettia® (and others)? The stories of these different personalities can now be read on, you can find out how each of them contributes daily to MNP / Suntory's journey towards bringing great products and amazing brands to the floriculture market. This small team is now ready to expand and broaden. From now on, you can also be part of this lively environment. Make a twist on your career and put your spin on creating the stories built up in The Netherlands, which travel all over the world.
For more information:
MNP / Suntory
Weteringweg 3a
2155 MV, Leimuiderbrug