During Dianthus Week 2024, all breeders got together to show the latest innovations on this crop in Colombia from March 11 to 15. Dümmen Orange exhibited over 160 varieties and created an exhibition inspired by the Pantone of the Year, Peach Fuzz+ "to display how carnations and dianthus Barbatus have the perfect tones to complete all design and color trends.
"Varieties like Red Moon+, Nezuko+, Bridal Damascus+, Sarah+, Lucy and Cuddle were the stars on the standard category, and on the spray side, Cherry Blossom+, Heldon+, and Whisper+ were the growers' favorites," the Dümmen Orange team says.
According to this breeder, there's an increased interest of growers and buyers to try new and different colors such as vintage, terra, and color varieties with Novia+, Caramel Cowboy, Wine Cover, and Lucia Apricot. By exploring the range of textures and shapes this crop has to offer, they aim to understand the new needs of the market and the young generations.
The breeder adds: "Dianthus Barbatus is also one of the big bets the market is taking. The Barberatus line has unique shapes and large heads, making them the perfect flowers either to use as a focal point or as a filler on bouquets, consumer bunches, and floral designs. Their improved colors are attractive to create differentiation on commercial programs with varieties like Barberatus Paradise+, Fancy Burgundy, and Star+".
Dümmen Orange has shared a video of the Dianthus Week 2024.
For more information:
Dümmen Orange