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AgeonTech Crop Consulting at Amsterdam GreenTech

"To take under control greenhouse parameters we developed a full set of more than 20 different sensors"

AgeonTech®, the crop consulting division of Ageon Srl, the Italian company with 30 years experience in soilless cultures, will exhibit in GreenTech with an international crop advising program full of news. "The last few years, we worked hard to develop a consulting program that uses the latest technologies, added with 30 years experience in soilless and hydroponics cultures" says Dr. Vitangelo Di Pierro, AgeonTech director. "Today we are ready to support growers all around the world with a tailored process that fits different crops and different level of greenhouse technology with a scientific approach".

Let's go deeper in the crop consulting program:

AgeonTech is a team of agronomists that apply the A.P.P. (AgeonTech Production Protocol) a working line program developed in 30 years, and that is adapted to different crops, greenhouses, and different climates. However, inputs are similar.

"To control greenhouse parameters, we developed G.IoT.To (Greenhouse IoT Tool). It's a full set of more than 20 different accurate sensors working on Aranet transmission radio technology. Every 5 seconds, it can collect and send data in the cloud," says Marco Cigottero, G.IoT.To product manager.

"MyAgeon is the multilevel platform where all greenhouse data are shown in a user-friendly way for a fast and precise crop analysis. On the platform it is possible to save all documents that were useful during the year (pictures, analysis, nutrient solution calculation etc.).The documents are all shown in a day-by-day and week-by-week layout. What's really interesting and usefull is the automatic Crop Registration, which is filled with all data arriving from greenhouse sensors. Data that can't be collected by sensors can be inserted thanks to the MyAgeon App (Android and IoS version available).

"At GreenTech we will also promote SITIF®, the International School of Hydroponics and Soilless that we developed 4 years ago." says Mauro Biodo, Ageon CEO. "We are proud of our educational program for Greenhouse Managers. We found that 90% of our student that were looking for a new position, found a job after taking part in our SITIF lessons. The next session will start on June 28th".

AgeonTech emphasizes that it is ready to support companies looking for stable quality and quantity productions during the year. AgeonTech can be visited at RAI Amsterdam booth 02.401.

For more information:
Ageon Srl
[email protected]

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