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AIPH Green City briefings showcase application and benefits of urban greening

The AIPH Green City Briefings 2024/25 series, which launched on 16th May, demonstrates how successful integrated urban greening provides benefits for the city, its residents, and nature. Organized by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) and the Worshipful Company of Gardeners (WCoG), these free one hour webinars are available to all who are interested in greening our cities.

Bringing together experts in the principles with those experienced in putting these principles into practice, the AIPH Green City Briefing series provides an opportunity to learn and discuss the latest ways to integrate nature into the city environment. Decision makers and urban planners seek to create climate resilient cities. According to the AIPH, the inclusion of nature, both in terms of plants and infrastructure, provides many measurable and demonstrable benefits.

The AIPH Green City Briefings create an opportunity for discussion between the two speakers and the MC, bringing to life a perspective on the way that plants can transform a space, create a solution, and be part of the response to climate change. Each session gives the audience the opportunity to participate in conversation and share their own resources and experiences.

The first webinar in the series titled, 'Flourishing urban design with plants', took place on the 16th May 2024. Lead by MC Jane Welsh, OALA, FCSLA, who is the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) Special Envoy to AIPH and Co-Chair of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Committee on Climate Adaptation, this first webinar focused on how incorporating plants into the city environment provides beauty and contributes to improvement of life in the city. The first speaker was Elisa Olivares, Lecturer for the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Sheffield. Elisa demonstrated the impact of different plants and planting schemes in urban environments, including in Mexico, to improve biodiversity. The second speaker for the Briefing was Kathryn Deery, Head Horticulturist at Lurie Garden in Chicago, USA. Kathryn described the incredible impact the evolution of the garden design as resonated with visitors and responded to the changing city.

On 13th June, AIPH held the second Briefing in the series, titled 'Seeding a sense of place in urban parks'. MC Jayne Miller, board chair of the World Urban Parks, led the discussion on the opportunities in planting to influence placemaking and how plants can shape our connection to a place. Joining Jayne was Andrew Grant, Founder and Director of Grants Associates, who spoke about how plants can drive the identity and character of a place. The second speaker was Ton Muller, Head Landscape Designer of the Municipality of Amsterdam, renowned for its beautiful spaces and urban planting schemes.

The third Briefing will take place at 1pm BST on 11th July 2024. Titled 'Creating successful urban greening: planning and policy', this session will explore how integrating green infrastructure across a city requires strategic planning and policy.

To register, visit the Briefing Event Page.

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