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Making a difference with innovations

Always come up with new things. That is the most innovative you can do, according to Huub van Oorspronk, area manager Asia, Middle East and Oceania at Schoneveld Breeding. As a representative of Schoneveld Breeding, he visits many growers' greenhouses. "You always have to stay in touch with the people that work with your products. If you stay connected with the market, you can keep innovating."

Huub praises Schoneveld Breeding for constant forward thinking. "As a result, we developed practical crops that are cold or heat tolerant, growers can grow biologically, and we have special products such as Illusia." Schoneveld Breeding's region-specific approach is very important in this respect. "Every region requires something else. Area managers and growing supporters are the eyes and ears of the company. They notice questions, problems, and wishes. Therefore, we always have a sharp eye on what's happening in the market."

Offer more value
Schoneveld Breeding's growing support is unique. Huub advocates knowledge sharing. We for instance give seminars at growers' facilities and make guides that they can keep at their disposal for early disease detection." These are examples of the huge added value Schoneveld Breeding offers its customers. Huub: "We believe that striving for perfection should be the norm. We constantly keep in mind that we can always do better."

Strive for perfection
"The market changes continuously, at Schoneveld Breeding we make efforts to keep pace with these changes. For us, good is not good enough. Growers appreciate that. They say: "When Schoneveld Breeding comes up with something, we know it is good." That is also exactly what we focus on in during all processes: everything must meet high standards. We only introduce a new series when it meets the standards we set."

Making a difference
Keeping in touch with growers and visiting them regularly often results in ideas for new innovations. Huub tells about Super Serie Carino: "Growers wanted a Cyclamen that bridges the gap between Verano and Mini Winter. That became Carino, a series that is currently well-known all around the globe. We always think in terms of opportunities, where are we able to make the difference? That is how we can keep moving flexibly with what growers need."

Joybera, the first Gerbera in the assortment of Schoneveld Breeding, is an example of such an innovation. "We saw opportunities to market a better product than was available. Joybera has been incredibly well received. It is a plant that flowers very uniform within and between colors, the shelf life is outstanding and the number of flowers is fantastic."

"At the same time, even with such a new product, we do not remain idle," Huub continues. "For example, new colors of Joybera are upcoming." For Super Serie Fusion the same development process applies. Fusion Large is the first large-flowered Cyclamen with strikingly two-toned flowers. "A unique product", states Huub. "Nice, but that is not where it stops. Here, too, we are introducing new colors. And we also have Fusion Midi now. Growers can add different varieties to their assortment."

New to Schoneveld Breeding's range is the Illusia. "A real game-changer", says Huub. "It's almost as if each flower looks at you, in every way Illusia is completely new and unique. Huub thinks it is a perfect example of where Schoneveld Breeding stands for. "We keep coming up with new, surprising products. That's what makes Schoneveld Breeding so interesting. You never know what will appear next."

For more information:
Schoneveld Breeding