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Labeau treats customers to boat trip and dinner

According to Labeau, the first edition of the Labeau Open Days was a success.The theme of the open days was 'Connection'. Customers were able to admire the assortment, consisting of as many as 300 varieties. The new showroom offered an insight into the company's latest innovations and developments, and told the Labeau brand story.

Boat trip around the port of Rotterdam
After arriving at the customer event on Tuesday 11 June, the customers went to the port of Rotterdam to attend a presentation by Futureland. Here, the customers were introduced to the most modern container terminals, the largest ocean-going vessels and the latest offshore developments of Maasvlakte 2, Europe's smartest and largest port.

Next was a boat trip on the Grace Kelly, during which board members Anja Hark-Borrmann and Febe Floré gave a presentation on the founding of Labeau. As well as on the company's future plans, including the construction of a new laboratory in Çanakkale, Turkey. The evening ended with a culinary walking dinner on board, which gave customers the opportunity to network, and to enjoy the beautiful view.

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