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Petals and a Purpose: How Falcon Farms brings blooms to Walmart

Of all the gifts from the natural world, there's nothing quite like the flower. We give flowers in celebration and in sorrow, to show love, friendship, sympathy and more. Throughout history, flowers have played a role in religious, spiritual and family traditions all over the world. A simple bouquet can speak volumes.

It can also be surprising just how much goes into a bouquet of flowers. We all know the usual needs of plants: light, water, soil and, at times, a good dose of patience and luck. But when a customer buys a bouquet from Walmart, they're likely displaying, sharing and enjoying a labor of love from thousands at Falcon Farms.

Since 1993, Walmart has worked with Falcon Farms to bring fresh bouquets to our customers – and even after so many years, it's a partnership still in bloom."This 30-year journey as a Walmart supplier has constantly evolved, making Falcon Farms a better company," said Juan Carlos Alvarez, vice president of sales and marketing at Falcon Farms.

Founded in 1987, Falcon Farms has grown to include 11 farms in Colombia and Ecuador with greenhouses spanning almost 656 football fields and 7,000 employees. And while they've worked – and continue to work – with Walmart to ensure beautiful, quality stems are available to customers across the U.S., what makes this supplier relationship special is how they also strive to support and uplift their local communities.


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