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Nursery glasshouses shattered by 'funnel cloud'

A freak weather event is claimed to have destroyed three nursery glasshouses in Lincolnshire.

Mike Roberts said people heard crashing as a finger-like cloud formation, which others mistakenly thought was a tornado, swept through rural West Pinchbeck on Saturday afternoon.He estimated about 1,000 panes of glass were shattered at his premises in Fengate Road. No one is believed to have been injured.

The Met Office said a video posted on TikTok showed a "funnel cloud" rather than a tornado, adding "conditions were right" for the weather event.

Mr Roberts, owner of Alpha Plants, said: "It's absolutely devastating."We spent 30 years building the business up to one of the UK's big young plant producers and then in 30 seconds the roofs are all down.We're standing here with just inches of glass around our feet, twisted bents and glazing bars across the floor. About 2,000 square metres of glass is affected."


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