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EZ Flower

"From Miami to Mumbai, our flowers go global"

There are a lot of exporters at the Aalsmeer auction, among which EZ Flower. When they are not visiting a fair or customers, you can find Gerard Haazebroek and Roelof Stijnman at this auction. Both men work for EZ Flower, which has a global customer base. "From Miami to Mumbai, our flowers go global."

Roelof Stijnman and Gerard Haazebroek (EZ Flower) during Iftex in Nairobi, Kenya.

Busy season
"We have had a busy season. Unfortunately, we had fewer flowers this season due to the weather conditions. We received less Dutch flowers, the same goes for flowers from other countries like Kenya. However, we shouldn't complain, we still received many orders and have had large orders too," Roelof says. "It's never quiet. I work six days a week." Gerard agrees: "I really enjoy my job, and I definitely have six days of work. I try not to work on Saturdays, but in case of an emergency I am always available for customers."

Many of Roelof's clients are wedding planners. Most of their weddings aren't small. "Destination weddings are popular, some of these wedding planners come to Europe from the Middle East to plan a grand wedding. Flowers are an essential part of weddings, and many go the extra mile. For example, recently, I had a multi-day wedding in Switzerland for which flowers had to be delivered by helicopter on top of a mountain, with the Matterhorn in the background. In the end, we were still short of flowers, and I personally took them to Switzerland in a van, a short 12-hour drive," he laughs. "I want to make customers happy, and if I can help in this way, I'll do it." Flowers are not only delivered within Europe, but also in India. "The next day there was an incredibly big wedding in India that lasted several weeks, for this wedding we also delivered a part of the flowers. Currently, beautiful delphiniums are ready for shipment to India."

Flower arrangement at EZ Flower's stand during Iftex.

Travelling is an important part of the men's job. In early June, they were still at Iftex in Nairobi, Kenya. Gerard enthusiastically says: "For us, it was the first time at Iftex, but it certainly won't be the last. At this trade show we met many of our existing customers, and also connected with new ones right away," Roelof adds: "The Monday after the fair, a shipment of flowers went straight to a customer who met us at the fair. It's great to see that Iftex had such a positive effect on our business." The exhibition stand featured several large floral arrangements - made by a team of florists - to which they received many enthusiastic responses. "We flew in our flowers and the florists arranged everything on site, it stayed in place for three days."

"Our location at the auction is a bit outdated, but in August we will completely renovate the office." Gerard explains: "Recently we already expanded with a larger cold store, and some extra space. Yet we don't have the goal of becoming very big, we mainly want to keep delivering the same level of quality." Roelof agrees: "We are happy with the customers we have, the most important thing for us is that they remain happy, and that we continue to meet their expectations."

For more information:
Roelof Stijnman
EZ Flower
+31 6 20700207
[email protected]

Gerard Haazebroek
EZ Flower
+31 6 10078099
[email protected]

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