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CA: The story behind the proclamation of the first 'Iowa Horticulture Week'

Recently, Mike Gooder of Plantpeddler, read an article covering Idaho Horticulture Week. This prompted Mike to contact Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Naig, to elevate recognition of Horticulture within the State.

State of Iowa Proclamation for Iowa Horticulture Week June 16th to 22nd 2024.

Plantpeddler is excited to share news of the 1st "Iowa Horticulture Week", proclaimed by Governor, Kim Reynolds, for the week of June 16th to the 22nd, 2024. This week-long celebration aimed to highlight the importance of horticulture in Iowa's economy, environment, and communities.

Iowa Sec. of Agriculture, Mike Naig at Plantpeddler Educate the Educators Event, August 2023

Horticulture contributes significantly to Iowa's economy through diverse sectors such as fruit and vegetable production, arboriculture, floriculture, landscaping, nursery and greenhouse operations, flowers, farmer's markets, turf grass production, agritourism, and much more.

Iowa Sec. of Agriculture, Mike Naig with Maury Wills of Wills Family Orchard, holding the Proclamation of Iowa Horticulture Week.

The proclamation boasts about Iowa's many connections to Horticulture, through educational institutions, clubs and programs, habitats, fresh and nutritional foods, beautification of public and private landscapes, recreational activity, and enhancement to our quality of life.

Mike Gooder of Plantpeddler with Iowa Governor Kim Renolds, December 2023 for National Poinsettia Day

Plantpeddler is proud to be a part of the Horticulture community of Iowa and delighted to celebrate Iowa Horticulture Week with our state. Join the fun on social media with #IowaHortWeek.

For more information:
Email: [email protected]

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