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Celebrating 10 years of cooperation on sustainable agriculture between the Netherlands and Vietnam

On 17 June 2024, the seminar "A Decade of Growth – The Future of Dutch Vietnamese Horticulture" took place in Westland. The event was co-organized by Viet Nam Embassy in the Hague, Department of Local Diplomac Facilitation MOFA, Netherlands Vietnam Horti Business Platform, Dutch Greenhouse Delta and Gemeente Westland.

Exactly 10 years ago, on June 17, 2014, the Prime Ministers of Vietnam and the Netherlands signed the "Strategic Partnership Agreement on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security".

Vietnam Provincial roadshow (including 5 provinces: Ninh Thuan, Hoa Binh, Dak Nong, Phu Yen, Quang Binh), open discussions, MoU signings and field trips were held, strengthening the collaboration between Vietnam and the Netherlands in horticulture, creating new business opportunities for Westland's enterprises, tapping into the potential of these promising markets in Vietnam.


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