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Bloomin’ Easy unveils 2025 new varieties with light-hearted music video

Bloomin' Easy Plants has unveiled its new varieties for 2025 through a fun, light-hearted music video parody of Maroon 5's "She Will Be Loved."

With a dozen new shrubs and perennials for 2025 wholesale release, Bloomin' Easy increases its collection aimed at young homeowners to ninety-one improved varieties—sixty-three shrubs and twenty-eight perennials. "Our 2025 new release class inspired us to get creative as we prepare for Bloomin' Easy's big summer launch at Cultivate," says Bloomin' Easy Plants, Inc. President, DeVonne Friesen.

"Each new plant we're releasing brings something new and improved to the market, and we can't wait for growers and consumers to experience them." "We have a lot of passion for the brand and bringing exciting new plants to market," says Friesen, "and we hope they get people just as excited through our fun rendition of the hit Maroon 5 track."

Bloomin' Easy Plants, Inc. partners with breeders across the globe to introduce and market improved new low-maintenance genetics. The company sublicenses wholesale producers in the U.S. and Canada to bring its licensed cultivars to market. Through marketing and after-purchase care support, its Bloomin' Easy brand aims to make gardening more inviting and easier for young homeowners with marketing that promises "Easy to Grow, Easy to Love" and "Plant, Water, Relax" messages for young homeowners or anyone seeking greater garden performance with less work.

For more information:
Bloomin' Easy

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