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Dutch Flower Group 25th anniversary

Dutch Flower Group was established in 1999 through a merger between the flower and plant companies OZ Group from Aalsmeer and Van Duijn Groep from Naaldwijk. Today, DFG has grown into an international family of over 30 specialized trading companies.

DFG 25 years event
The program began with a welcome from Jan van Dam, CEO of DFG, who proudly reflected on the past 25 years and expressed his appreciation for DFG's current standing as a company. He emphasized the value of partnerships.

Next, DFG had the honor of welcoming Liesje Schreinemacher, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. In her speech, she spoke about the importance of international trade and sustainability and expressed her pride in DFG's entrepreneurship and sustainability efforts.

Following this, the "DFG Talks" were led by Marcel Zandvliet, CMO | CSO at DFG. The panel included Arne Bac (Rabobank), Adri Bom-Lemstra (Glastuinbouw Nederland), Boyd Muijs (Lidl International), and Hugo Noordhoek Hegt (Dümmen Orange). They discussed key topics in floriculture, chosen in advance by the guests.

Futurist Christian Kromme concluded the plenary program with a look into the future, where nature serves as a roadmap for human and technological acceleration.

After a collective toast, there was ample opportunity to chat, network, and enjoy the walking dinner.

For more information:
Dutch Flower Group

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