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Maintaining control over the entire process from procurement to delivery

Originally from Ukraine, Liga Flor was founded in 2014 by its two directors. With a commitment to service and quality, they initially began exporting flowers and plants to Ukraine. From the outset, maintaining control over the entire process from procurement to delivery has been crucial for ensuring complete customer satisfaction and delivering products of excellent quality. The use of a pre-cooler further enhances their operations.

Turning point
Initially focusing on Ukraine, the conflict between Ukraine and neighboring Russia necessitated a shift in focus for Liga Flor. It didn't take long for them to start supplying flowers and plants to countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, and Lithuania. The international sales team now comprises a diverse group, ensuring customers receive assistance in their own language. Some of these focus countries have rapidly become major customers, with Bulgaria, alongside Ukraine, now one of the largest buyers from this exporter based in Naaldwijk, the Netherlands.

Driven by passion
As mentioned, Liga Flor boasts a team of international salespeople, including Eva. Eva has been with Liga Flor for five years, starting initially as a box worker and now excelling as a saleswoman. Her experience in handling and packaging flowers and plants allows her to provide customers with insights. Eva believes storytelling about products is crucial for successful sales, alongside a strong enthusiasm for the products she sells. Eva's passion lies in the variety of colors and shapes of flowers and plants, which change with each season, ensuring that no day is the same. Besides sales, Eva channels her passion into managing the company's social media, where she creates and shares inspiring content.

Liga Flor trades in both flowers and plants, with a significant portion consisting of roses, lilies, and chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemums are particularly valued by Liga Flor's customers for their excellent transportability and long shelf life, making them ideal for long transport routes to Eastern Europe. Eva mentions focusing on core colors like white, yellow, and pink, with Dekker varieties such as Kennedy, Dutchmaster, and Optimist being popular choices among her customers. In addition to spray chrysanthemums, the company handles substantial quantities of santinis, where the Dekker range is also well-represented. From classics like Aurinko and Doria to newer varieties like Peptalk and Bumper, Eva encounters them regularly.

Stronger Together
Eva attributes the demand for Dekker varieties among her customers to Dekker Chrysanthemums' promotion of their flower assortment. Whether through social media or joint promotions of specific varieties, Eva believes Dekker Chrysanthemums excels in showcasing their flower range. And thanks to passionate saleswomen like Eva, these flowers find their way to end customers with ease.

For more information:
Dekker Chrysanten
Julianaweg 6a
1711 RP, Hensbroek, the Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0) 226 45 60 60
Fax: +31 (0) 226 45 60 75
Email: [email protected]

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