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US: Nursery Supplies launches new parent company CREO

Nursery Supplies has formed the CREO Group. This new parent company integrates the history and innovation of Nursery Supplies Inc. and Summit Plastic Company, which merged in 2013 after a multi-year partnership.

According to Creo Group, the creation of Crea also marks an evolution in the company's strategy, positioning the platform for innovation and expansion. By leveraging NSI's decades of experience and sustainability knowledge, Creo aims to continue delivering unparalleled packaging and container solutions.

"We are thrilled to announce the creation of Creo Group and leverage it for the benefit of our customers, employees and other partners," commented Justin Smith, Executive Chairman and CEO of Nursery Supplies Inc. "We now have a platform that will set us apart from the competition and continue driving innovation and growth."

"The formation of Creo Group marks the beginning of a new era in sustainable packaging," added Mark Paolano, Partner, Mill Point Capital. "Our new identity is emblematic of the significant growth and expansion plans that will define Creo in the years ahead."

For more information:
Creo Group
2050 Ave A, Kissimmee, FL 34758
(407) 846-9750
[email protected]

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