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UK: Kendal entrepreneur makes waves on the horticultural scene

At just 21 years old, Kendalian entrepreneur Dan Stearne is making waves on the local horticultural scene with his sustainable plant-growing venture, Dan's Plants.

The business has just reached a new milestone, establishing a purpose-built growing polytunnel at Low Sizergh farm. The Park family runs the farm using regenerative and organic farming practices. They make it easy for people to buy high-quality, locally-grown produce.

The polytunnel expansion has tripled Dan's growing capacity, allowing him to nurture his passion for sustainable horticulture. His peat-free, chemical-free plants are available from Low Sizergh Barn, the farm's award-winning farm shop, alongside other local outlets.

Dan's passion for growing took root early in his life and was nurtured by his grandmother, Lily. Growing from his Natland garden and inspired by the success of selling at Holy Trinity Winster Church's fundraising events, Dan embarked on his entrepreneurial journey.


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