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Commercial director from 1 September

NL: John van Santen becomes Metazet executive board member

John van Santen, Manager Retail Services & Product Management at Royal FloraHolland, is moving to Metazet. He will join the executive board from 1 September onwards. John will join Metazet in Wateringen as commercial director.

John writes: "I am extremely grateful to Royal FloraHolland, growers, customers, sector colleagues for all the opportunities I have had over the past 13.5 years and our collaborations.
The horticultural world is small and both Metazet and Royal FloraHolland have the ambition to grow (internationally), continue to provide the world with health and happiness and produce it in a safe and sustainable way."

"We are delighted to welcome John to our team," said Luke van Adrichem, Managing Director of Metazet. "His extensive knowledge of the horticultural sector and proven leadership qualities are a great asset to Metazet. We look forward to working together on our joint ambition to grow and strengthen the future of the sector."

John van Santen,and Luke van Adrichem.

For more information:
De Lierseweg 6
2291PD Wateringen, the Netherlands
Tel: +31 (174) 22 58 22
[email protected]

John van Santen
+316 222 070 72

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