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Miami Flower Industry Gathers at AFIF's Networking Event

America's Flower Connection (AFIF) is pleased to announce the conclusion of its latest networking event, AFIF Insights & Connections: Exploring 'Flowers Come From Where?' The event on June 24, aimed at bringing industry professionals together to celebrate the rich history of the flower industry.

The evening featured a highlight of Williee Armellini's book, 'Flowers Come From Where?', which documents the evolution of the flower industry in the USA, from its early domestic production to today's global sourcing and technological advancements.

Rodrigo Leiva, Board President of AFIF, opened the event with a welcome and shared updates on AFIF's ongoing initiatives, including the GSP initiative. Williee Armellini captivated the audience with insights into his book and the inspiration behind its creation.

The event saw participation from Miami industry professionals who shared their personal stories, perspectives, and reflections on the industry's past and future, particularly the role of Miami as a logistics hub.

"We are thrilled with the enriching conversations that took place. This was an opportunity to reflect on the past and to discuss the future of our industry. Thanks to everyone that came out to hear Willie Armellini share his story and insights from his book. We look forward to connecting again and continue helping the flower sector in Miami prosper" said Rodrigo Leiva.

"We are also thankful to Williee Armellini and The Bloom Together Initiative by AAF and NBS for spreading the word and participation in the event. We look forward to more such collaborations in the future."

For more information:
America's Flower Connection

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