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"Philips GrowWise with climate computer provides more efficient and effective lighting"

"It enables us to better match the lighting to our current energy regime and the price fluctuations in energy from the grid"

By integrating the Philips GrowWise Control System from Signify (Euronext: LIGHT) with Hoogendoorn's IIVO climate computer, Huisman Chrysanten can control the intensity and spectrum of their Philips LEDs based on what their crop needs and other factors, such as energy prices. With the integration, the grower can use the climate computer to control light as well as the other climate settings. With the Philips Horticulture LEDs installed on an area of 4.8 hectares, Huisman, located in Maasdijk, the Netherlands, can dim the 200 μmol/m2/s installed light between 10 and 100% and also apply an end-of-the-day far-red treatment to give the chrysanthemums the length they need in winter. With the new installation, Huisman is able to reduce its energy consumption by 20%, while increasing the lighting level by almost 40%.

In 2022, 50% of Huisman Chrysanten's HPS installation was replaced with dimmable Philips GreenPower LED toplighting force modules. A year later, the other HPS fixtures were replaced with the newest dimmable Philips GreenPower toplighting force with a separate channel for far-red light.

Better matched
"We were guided carefully throughout the entire process, from the purchase of our Philips Greenpower LED lights to the installation of the Philips GrowWise Control System and integration with our climate computer," says partner Edwin Huisman about the important upgrades. "Our dimmable installation with far-red color controllability and the integration of the GrowWise control system in our climate computer gives us lots of flexibility. It enables us to better match the lighting to our current energy regime and the price fluctuations in energy from the grid. All the data streams now come together in our IIVO climate computer, where we choose the optimal settings for all aspects of cultivation, taking into account the weather forecast and the expected energy prices, among other things."

Flexible adjustment
Huisman Chrysanten meets their electricity needs largely from their own CHP, buying in a small proportion from the grid. "We can light up to 150 µmol/m2/s on CHP power alone," the grower explains. "Depending on energy prices, we light between 150 and 200 µmol/m2/s. On average, we apply 170 μmol/m2/s, on which we based our plant density. When electricity is cheap in the morning hours, we buy it in and run the lights at full power. When electricity is expensive, we dim the system down to 150 µmol/m2/s, for example. By responding to conditions in this way, we can save money on running the lights while extracting maximum value from the natural gas and electricity we buy in."

The settings are generally determined a few days beforehand, based on the expected solar radiation and energy prices. Huisman: "We don't want to have to constantly worry about all that. When the lights are on and it turns out to be sunnier than expected, we can always check whether the situation on the energy market makes it attractive to change course."

Far-red light
With the Philips Horticulture LED lights purchased in 2023, Huisman Chrysanten has a separate channel to control his far-red LEDs. The grower gives the crop half an hour of far-red light at the end of the day to achieve the desired stem length. "This year, we're only using far-red as an end-of-the-day treatment," notes Edwin Huisman. "Next year, we also want to use far-red during the other lighting hours when the crop needs extra length. Our aim is to achieve the required stem length with the optimal spectrum."

Intelligent lighting
Huisman's intention makes it clear that dynamic lighting has a lot of potential. By allowing the dynamic, color-adjustable LED installation to respond to constantly changing environmental factors, the grower can optimize his crop better and reduce energy costs.

For more information:
Daniele Damoiseaux, Global Marcom Manager Horticulture
[email protected]

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