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Nadia Duran, Voorn Spray Roses and Interplant Roses

"With this collaboration, we are bringing two worlds together"

In the world of event planners and stylists, flowers are almost indispensable, but the story behind the flowers is often unknown. Last Wednesday, Australian event planner Nadia Duran, in collaboration with Voorn Spray Roses and Interplant Roses, introduced her own rose during an event in the greenhouse at Voorn. With this collaboration, she aims to bring the world of growers closer to the world of weddings and events, as there are many opportunities and possibilities for everyone in such a partnership.

Photo: Michael Zennaro

For about 20 years, Nadia has been active in the bridal world, with eight years of experience organizing weddings in 40 different countries. Flowers, especially roses, are an integral part of Nadia's work. At the events she organizes, flowers are visible in all sorts of ways. About a year ago, she came into contact with Floral Charm, a flower import and export company, which she has been working with since then. Nadia says, "Through Floral Charm, I got in touch with Voorn Spray Roses and a long-awaited collaboration was born. I really fell in love with the roses, their shape, and colors. Having a rose named after me means so much to me, and for what I want to leave to my family and the bridal world. With this, I also want to inspire other stylists and show what is possible."

The heart of Voorn
The introduction of the Nadia Duran rose took place in a greenhouse at Voorn Spray Roses in Luttelgeest. Fifty guests from 21 countries—including her mother and son—attended and were immersed in the world of roses, all organized by Nadia herself. "For me, the first question was: how are we going to introduce the rose? Soon, I realized that the best way is for people to come to the heart of Voorn. This way, they can see what is behind such a beautiful rose, why it is important to grow flowers, and why flowers are also expensive. By introducing the world behind flowers, event planners and stylists can, in turn, inform their clients. Many customers wonder why they should spend so much on flowers, so education is an important part of our work."

Photo: Michael Zennaro

A piece of me
Nadia's years of experience in planning unique events were evident at her own event. "I wanted to give guests an unforgettable experience with the naming ceremony of my rose. The chef, Michael Cervino, provided a fantastic gourmet lunch. All dishes used oils, aromas, or freeze-dried pieces of the Nadia Duran rose. So everyone carried a little bit of me home with them, so to speak. For the decoration, everything was pure white, so that only the flower stood out." After lunch in the greenhouse, it was time for a cocktail reception at Waldorf Astoria. "Besides introducing the rose, I wanted to give my guests the ultimate Dutch experience. The canals and historic buildings of Amsterdam could not be missed, of course. During the afterparty on the LuminAir rooftop, we really felt on top of the world. I also felt so grateful. I was born in Mexico and have experienced so much in my life to now get to this point where I am not invited by others but where I am allowed to be hospitable myself."

Nadia with her son and mother. Photo: Michael Zennaro

Flower auction
Friday, 5 July, was the official launch of the Nadia Duran rose at the flower auction in Aalsmeer, where Nadia briefly spoke about her rose to the companies bidding early that morning: "I was allowed to introduce my rose at the auction in the auctioneer's place. The entire day's proceeds from the Nadia Duran rose will go to the Fidem Foundation. This foundation helps women and young girls across Europe with mental health and general wellbeing. Besides being an event planner, I am also a speaker and do a lot of conferences on mental health, which is why I chose this foundation to help women who are struggling. Also, my rose reflects how I want to see myself and other women, with a strong color at the core that becomes softer and softer towards the outside."

Photo: Michael Zennaro

Nadia concludes, "Ultimately, this is a source of inspiration for stylists, planners, and my family; it shows that any dream can come true. Inspiring people is my ultimate goal. On the other hand, this is also an opportunity for growers, because with this collaboration we are bringing two worlds together. Voorn Spray Roses, together with Interplant Roses, have now been introduced to the whole world, and they set an example of how growers can build their brand and make connections to present themselves. In turn, the grower sees what magical beauty is being created with their roses. We really need each other."

For more information:
Voorn Spray Roses
Tel: +31 (0)527202555

Interplant Roses
Tel: +31 (0)85 - 0665111

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