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Jin Wending, Beijing Gardin, on the changes that he observes in the flower industry

"Young people are going to be the main consumers"

"Nowadays, many big changes are happening in the flower industry," says Jin Wending from Beijing Gardin. This company focuses on B2B businesses, and mainly provides wildflower seeds, imported flower seeds, bulb flowers, and tissue culture plug seedlings. In this article, he shares the changes that he observes in the flower industry.

Wendong is not new in the flower industry. After working in a flower trade company for 18 years, Wendong started his own company, Beijing Gardin. He finds that the industry is currently undergoing considerable change, pointing to the sales of garden products, e-commerce, and the role of the younger generations.

"Flower consumption for landscape is dropping, but the sales of garden products are increasing a lot. Gardens (flower borders) will become an important part of people's life, as more and more gardens are being built in the cities. E-commerce and online shops play a major role in this development. The logistics system in China is very efficient, this is why online business developed so well. Namely, products can be quickly delivered to customers. Meanwhile, online selling is also good for a new variety of promotions and tests, we have to follow the change of e-commerce," he explains.

In addition, he finds that younger generations are about to play an important role in the flower industry." Young people are going to be the main consumers, they have more various requirements for flowers. For example, the flowers should be good-looking, and have to provide some emotional value. An obvious phenomenon in China is that more cut flower farms are built by young people. These young people have their preferences, and they are good at using the resources. Based on these interests, tens of thousands of farms are built with special topics. We can provide colorful cut flower products to them and also technical services," Wendong states.

When asked how his company approaches these changes, he says the following: "We mainly provide seeds, bulbs, or young plants to gardens, cut flower farms, and online shops. It requires various new and very high-quality products. We import seeds worldwide each year to satisfy demands."

For more information:
Beijing Gardin Agricultual Science Co., Ltd
Jin Wendong