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21-22 August, 2024

NL: Green Retail Awards - Autumn edition

The location for PLANTARIUM|GROEN-Direkt will be at Noorwegenlaan 37 in Hazerswoude, the Netherlands

Plantarium|Groen-Direkt gives new products and innovations in the nursery stock industry a platform through the Green Retail Awards judging process.

During the upcoming autumn edition of the trade fair, evaluations will be held in three categories:
1. Best Novelty, 42 entries, judged by the KVBC
2. Best Market Innovation, 14 entries, judged by an international jury of plant trade experts
3. Visitors' Favourite, 10 entries, where visitors cast their vote for what they consider the best new product.

Entries are on the website and the award ceremony for the Best New Product and Best Market Innovation will take place on Wednesday, August 21st, at 9:00 AM at the Nieuwighedenplein (in the cooled tent). The Visitors' Favorite will be announced on Thursday, August 22nd, at 2:30 PM.

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