On Tuesday, August 20, FSI (Floriculture Sustainability Initiative) is hosting a Q&A session on the small-scale grower scheme and the consultation round. The consultation round started early August on the 'small-scale' growers certification scheme and its rules. Through an online questionnaire, stakeholders in the floriculture sector will have the opportunity to give their feedback. The FSI board will determine the final criteria taking the input of this consultation into account.
During the Q&A, a presentation will explain more about the content of the adapted certification scheme and participants will be demonstrated how to provide online feedback on the adapted certification scheme and its rules. Finally, there will be plenty of room to ask questions. There will be a total of three sessions: a Dutch, English and German Q&A.
The sessions are intended for 'small-scale growers'. The purpose is to take them through how the adapted certification scheme differs from the regular schemes to make it easier to fill out the consultation. Are you a small-scale grower and want to attend? Sign up here.
Source: royalfloraholland.com