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Survey: University of Florida IFAS wants to know training priorities

Training is critical to retain staff, improve productivity, and consistently produce excellent crops. The University of Florida IFAS is expanding its award-winning Greenhouse Training Online courses thanks to a grant from the American Floral Endowment and a donation from Ken and Deena Altman.

"No matter what role you play in your company, if you are working with plant production we need your input. That includes owners through to watering staff and allied salespeople", they say. The training is about training priorities to help guide which new English/Spanish modules are developed.

The English/Spanish online survey can be found here.

The survey takes an average of 15 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous according to UF IFAS guidelines. Participants get a 25% discount on the remaining 2024 courses as a reward.

For more information:
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
[email protected]

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